Friday, April 20, 2012


Sorry for being gone for so long but I've been really busy, we gave now settled into our new house so I'll be posting more often now. It's Saturday afternoon and today I havnt done much, right now I'm sorting out my brady bunch folder and checking a list of the collectables I do have and the ones I don't that explains the crosses on some of the pictures. Now I know what I do need to get. I hope everyone has a happy weekend! Stat tuned for tomorrow's post

Friday, March 23, 2012

I'm going to write a story

So I've been ready this book for a
Couple of months now. It's called "the Brady bunch the new York mystery" everytime I felt like reading I would only read a chapter and tonight I read a chapter but it inspired me to write my own book! And that's what im going to do. It's going to be about the Brady bunch family meeting my family. I think it's going to turn out not as good as o think it will but I'll give it a try. I will post a paragraph of it once I start writing about it and then you guys can tell me what you think. Stay tuned for tomorrows post.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

My Brady Bunch collection

Hey Brady Bunch Fans! i know i have promised to show you all my brady bunch collection but ive been really busy! well this is the week. the picture below is of my brady bunch collection me and my mum put together on the weekend. im not sure if i like it yet but ill get use to it. so throughout the next few weeks ill be showing you an item a day and telling you where i got it from and how much for. i hope ill be able to show you more items if i get anymore! stay tuned for tomorrows post.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The brady Bunch

so here are some more brady bunch promotion banner things to get my blog known! i hope you can all tell your friends about my blog! 

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Brady Bunch

i was bored today and someone made a little conversation between two brady so i decided to make some of my own! i know there stupid but hopefully you could tell i only did it for fun. tell me what you think of them.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


I didn't even realize I ordered the hair ribbons but obviously I did I'm happy they can though because it's still a piece to add to my brady bunch collection.


My Marcia doll finally arrived along with the Brady bunch hair ribbons Cindy use to wear I'm so happy and my brady bunch collection of dolls if nearly finish I've only got to get Cindy and the collection of girls are finished.

Monday, March 5, 2012


After hours and hours of working on my new website logo I finally finished it. It took me all day but I'm glad with how it turned out and hopefully soon Incan start working on the rest of my website. It's a hard progress but i hope
It's worth it. Stay tuned for tomorrows blog.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


This is an awesome collectors edition of "the Brady bunch movie" it has little clipping photos of the actual movie and little information on the movie and a I have know clue what the booklet is of. But if your a really bog fan of the Brady bunch movie I know you will find this collectors edition set awesome and really interesting. If you find one of these for sale I suggest you buy it because that only made a certain amount of this item.

Friday, March 2, 2012


I was thinking that I should only post a post when I need to instead of everyday because I'm running out of things to post and I forget to do my blog some nights to so then in a couple of days when I haven't done a post I would have to do like 8 post in one day and that's way to much, and i i know i promised to do a week where i show you all my brady bunch collection an ill do that as soon as I have the time. The photo I have posted is of the Brady bunch bear and tv I'm just about to fix, they both play the Brady bunch theme song which is pretty groovy. Stay tuned for tomorrows post.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Brady bunch coloring book

So I forgot all about the Brady bunch coloring book because I was using a different site and I didn't know i clicked order and that happened with my Barry Williams cd's too and I'll talk about them in another post. The coloring book came a few weeks ago and it was heaps exciting but then I look in the book and almost every page is colored in. I was so angry and I can't really remember what I paid for it because again I didn't know I ordered it. And in the book apparently Jan is the one with the little piggy
Tails and cindy the middle child and that's totally wrong so who ever made that book isn't really a Brady bunch fan. So over all I'm happy I got a Brady bunch coloring book but angry because its all scribbled in.


So this is yet another thing i didn't even realize i ordered but there here now and I'm happy I got them. These are two Barry Williams cd that were really cheap on the Internet what I like about these is that they have never been opened. One cd has 14 songs on it and the other one has 4. I've only listened to the "the return of jhonny bravo" and there not his songs but he has just covered them but there really good. I'm not going to open the other one though. Awesome cd's and I suffer you buy them.


So I ordered a Marcia doll and I forgot to give them our new address so now it's going to send to our old house and I'm afraid that I will never get the marcia doll now. I really really really hope the owners are nice and wont open it or something. I'll
Let your guys no what happens


Before me and my family moved to our new house one last package arrived it was more Brady bunch clippings. The clippings were probably from 1979 - 1988. They were mostly of eve and Maureen but my eyes shot at one article it was called "the Brady bunch confessions" what was awesome about these articles was that it was made when the brady's first started so these clippings would be really old and the confessions were of stuff you didn't even know about the Brady bunch unless you read that article. It is heaps cool and if you ever see it for sale I suggest you buy it and read it because it's amazing. It had confessions from Maureen, Christopher, ever, Michael and Susan and the only one who didn't write in the article was Barry williams (Greg Brady) but over all its a great article and I recommend it.


So the picture I have posted is of my Susan Olsen "authentic card" and my barry williams "i thought was signed but still not sure" card. So I was on the leaf award winners site and it said there is 10 authentic cards singed by each celebrity. So if you look at the picture closely the Susan Olsen one has a 3/10 under her picture so that means it was the 3rd one to be signed out of 10. But if you look at the Barry Williams one it doesn't. So I'm starting to think that the Barry williams one Is a copy but ill let you guys decide on that.


Hey everyone sorry I haven't been on in a while it's because I had a wedding last Saturday and the other days me and my family were moving houses and we also still have no Internet because it has been connected to the new house yet so we are all using my mums phone for Internet. So sorry again and I'll be posting 8 post tonight (I KNOW THAT ALOT) to make up for the days I was away! I wrote down half of the days so it easier to post. Stay tuned for yet another post today.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Finally moved into the new house

Me and my family have spent all week packing stuff to take to the new house everyday after school we would load the car up with more stuff and take it too the house, I got sick of helping and moving all the furniture to but mum gave about $50 to help her. We are spending the first night here but everything still isn't in place but we can do that over the weekend. Me and my brothers have a wedding tomorrow but I don't feel comfortable with what I'm wearing I feel.... Over dresses and the Hight of my high heels are something I would usually where but I hope I don't fall tomorrow wearing them. One last package arrived before we finally moved out and that is what the picture is of the brady bunch book #3 now all I need is the rest. I'm writting this on my phone because we don't have Internet at the new house yet so if the picture doesn't show up I'm sorry. Stay tuned for another post tomorrow... If I feel like writing one after the wedding.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


i was looking at this article online and was thinking i wish i couldve went to the brady bunch concert or actually see a video of it. it would of been the best concert ever, seeing them live or meeting them would make my life 100 times better. i love the brady bunch and one day i hope to meet them, even though they were my inspirations in the show they still are even if they are all grown up and have family's of there own now,they are all still my role models to this day and i want to thank each one of them. thankyou brady bunch kids for being YOU!

Monday, February 13, 2012


i got the second comic book of the brady bunch awhile ago and only today i notice they made just a few mistakes on the front cover. first mistake is they put all the names near each person of what there real name is and they got mike lookinland and Chris knights names mixed up so where it should say Chris knight they put mike lookinland and where mike is they put Chris knight, the person who made the front cover probably wasn't a big brady bunch fan, the second mistake is they spelt Maureen mccormicks last name wrong they forgot the "k" in her name. so it says "Maureen Mccormic". i cant believe i just noticed that today. and today i got a package in the mail it was a Barry Williams CD called "the return of johnny bravo" i haven't listened to it yet but i will soon. stay tuned for tomorrows post.

THE BRADY BUNCH EPISODE ft. the brady dolls

i was watching youtube videos and came across some youtube video and the episodes were called robot chicken i thought they were really groovy because they were dolls and stuff so i decided to look up "Robot chicken the brady bunch" and lucky they had a video, it was the most funniest video i have ever seen. its great! my favorite part is where Mr and Mrs brady were having a world war 3 in the living room and Marcia comes down the stairs and says "im waiting for davy Jones to answer my letter" and then a hand granade hits her nose and she says OH MY NOSE, and then Jan comes in and says MARCIA MARCIA MARCIA why does she get blown up and i dont then she gets blown up too. i dont like the fact that they get blown up but just the part with the very popular quotes from the TV series the brady bunch. i love it this episode was neato! i also thought i would look up other things i like, like grease, happy days and also Michael Jackson. and just my luck they had a video of them too. there awesome episodes and really funny. you should go check them out. oh and two packages arrived in the mail today one was a Barry Williams card and the other was brady bunch clippings. so my day was great. stay tuned for tomorrows post.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Today me and my family spent the day moving furniture to the new house so im really tired and ill be going to bed soon. i haven't really put up anything in my room yet just moved all the furniture in there. all i need now is a telephone table. the picture up there is a picture i would love to get put up in my room but the picture size is too small so i wont be able to get a bigger picture of it. if i find another photo that looks groovy ill use that picture instead. tomorrow i have school so thats going to be boring and then after school me and my family will go drop some other things at the new house, hopefully im not tired. see you tomorrow for a new post.

Friday, February 10, 2012


so all day me and my family were moving into our new house and i only got to move a few things into my room and ive already put up my brady bunch tin poster but im not sure if i want it there. then the box on the floor is my brady bunch box so hopefully tomorrow my mum will put some furniture in my room so i can put my brady bunch stuff up, so that was my day stay tuned for tomorrows post.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


i found this picture of Cindy's doll called "kitty karry-all" i really want to get one to add to my brady bunch collection shes really cute but shes so rare you cant even find her on the internet and if there is one shes really expensive. but hopefully one day i can find one. Well all i can do now is dream and hopefully i get one one day.


This photo is of the brady bunch picture that are going into my new room when we move into our new house, my whole rooms going to look super groovy once my brady bunch collections in there. i cant wait, half the photos i printed weren't the right size so there blurry but the three that i have shown weren't so i have to get rest of the three other bradys which is peter, Jan and bobby. I super excited to move into the new house. and hopefully the photos look neato on my new pink wall.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


the picture im trying to upload is taking to long so im just going to write my blog today anyway because im trying to do one everyday. hopefully i can blog next week because we are moving houses and i wont have internet for a week but ohhh well. and thats if we do move because mums not sure if she likes the house now. but the picture is of a brady bunch mug i got for christmas from my favourite auntie in the whole world, Auntie suzie. i love it sooooo much. its funny how my whole family no how much i love the brady bunch because my nanna (grandma) bought me the Jan brady doll for my birthday. my family is awesome i love them all so much. anyway the cup i use everyday ive course because its a cup but yeah. but tomorrows will be much more interesting i promise. cya tomorrow my brady bunch bloggers!!!!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Bobby Brady's tiki necklace

today i have no school again so ive just been sitting on the internet searching up brady bunch and i came across one of the tiki necklace's that bobby had when the brady's went to Hawaii. i thought it was awesome and i really want to get one but what happens if they are actually cursed, then i wouldn't want one but it would be amazing to have one just like bobby did so im trying my hardest to find one for sale and i found one. its super cheap and is nearly the same as the one on the brady bunch episode. now all im thinking is we need to move asap so i can buy it.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The brady bunch 25th Anniversary

no school for me today so that's why i decided to do a post earlier then before i go to bed because that's when i usually do my blogs. i was looking on the internet at brady bunch collectibles and i found this brady bunch pin and i thought it was neato but i cant find it anywhere on the internet and the one site they have it on doesn't ship to Australia and i really want one, i guess ill just have to keep looking. but its heaps awesome with the colors and stuff and when it was the 25th anniversary that was like 20 years ago now so that's pretty groovy. i found heaps of other collectibles too and hopefully i can get them as soon as me and my family move to our new house. im glad ive got a mum like mine and she will buy the brady bunch collectibles for me. thanks mum.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Today i didn't really do anything because i felt sick, so hopefully no school for me tomorrow. but the picture i have posted today is of the brady bunch frame for my room, well something like that would be cool. i have one in my room like that now but it looks too..... boring so yeah hopefully i can get one like the picture up there. and probably get an ingraving in it that would look super groovy. i know today's blog was boring but i promise you once my family move into our new house and i get my room all set up that my blogs will be better.


today me and my family spent the whole day packing to move to our new house, we are using my room as storage until we move and we are moving in just over a week so i dont have a bed but its good because im super excited to get a new and bigger room. i totally forgot that on Monday i was going to show all my brady bunch collections and i packed it all up. so ill be showing you my brady bunch stuff soon though. i felt like watching the brady bunch movie before because the episode of the brady bunch that was on today was when Greg Brady sang the song 'clowns never laughed before and bean storks never grew' i didn't even know that that was sang by Greg brady in the real brady bunch series but its funny how they overreact with that song on the brady movie and make it 50 times funnier, i love the brady bunch movie and i hope i can watch it soon.

Friday, February 3, 2012


im so excited that Friday has ended and now its the weekend, im so busy this weekend with moving and choosing a color for my new room once we move houses. but im sure i can still blog a post on Saturday and Sunday, and im super excited for Monday too, not because its school but because i get to show you all my brady bunch collectibles. this picture is of my brady bunch poster because i didn't know what photo to put up, the tin poster cost me about $40 with shipping because it was from the USA and the brady bunch collectibles are really expensive and hard to find so i had to get it and happy i got it, and on Sundays post i will post a picture of my whole collection and then in the week i will post each one seperatly and some information and how much cost. see you tomorrow for another blog.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Brady Bunch movie Pogs

today was bad until i got home because there was a package waiting for me and ive course it was the brady bunch and these pogs are pretty cool but i dont know what i will do with them but i guess it will go with my collection of brady bunch stuff.i couldnt get a better picture of the brady bunch movie pogs because the light was on them so i just used the one i chose and i promise that on my posts will be more interesting and better.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

update on the brady bunch of course

Today was another boring day so i thought theres no point on telling you guys on how my boring day went so this is going to be an update, wait one thing first. the pictures up there i got printed out today at the shops to go in my new room when we move, half the photos didn't work so ill try and print them next time. from monday next week i will be doing my daily blog as usual but each day will be some of my merchandise of the brady bunch i have collected and telling you where i got it from. so i hope you will look forward to that oh and im waiting on a few more packages to arrive to so im excited!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Brady bunch coloring

Today was a i-dont-feel-like-doing-anything day, so all i did was went to the dentist to get my braces checked then my mum had to get new things for our new house we will be moving into soon. but all day i just wanted to go home i felt sick all day with a headache and a stomachache. so when we got home i fell asleep straight away for about an hour and when i woke up of course the brady bunch was on :) and then i colored in some brady bunch coloring pages... yeah i know boring but i couldn't really do anything else because i felt sick. well my day was boring but i want to try and write a new post everyday well.... ill try but for now im going to bed. Goodnight.
(personally i hate this post and i wont do anymore like this)

Monday, January 30, 2012


Today was the first day of school for 2012, so when i got home i was grumpy and tired but.... when my mum opened the front door there were 4 packages waiting for me. i was so happy. in the picture is a signed autograph from BARRY WILLIAMS and two trading cards.One of Jan and Cindy at hawaii and the other is jan, Mrs brady and alice at hawaii having there hula lessons. I got the Mrs brady doll too. And i got alot of brady bunch clippings to add to the rest of my brady bunch clipping i already had. what a great day this turned out to be.

Welcome to My Blog

Hey my names Amy Sue, and welcome to my blog! :) The stuff i will be most posting about would me uhhh.... the brady bunch obviously. i love the brady bunch and everything about it so stay tuned for more brady bunch posts.