Friday, February 17, 2012

Finally moved into the new house

Me and my family have spent all week packing stuff to take to the new house everyday after school we would load the car up with more stuff and take it too the house, I got sick of helping and moving all the furniture to but mum gave about $50 to help her. We are spending the first night here but everything still isn't in place but we can do that over the weekend. Me and my brothers have a wedding tomorrow but I don't feel comfortable with what I'm wearing I feel.... Over dresses and the Hight of my high heels are something I would usually where but I hope I don't fall tomorrow wearing them. One last package arrived before we finally moved out and that is what the picture is of the brady bunch book #3 now all I need is the rest. I'm writting this on my phone because we don't have Internet at the new house yet so if the picture doesn't show up I'm sorry. Stay tuned for another post tomorrow... If I feel like writing one after the wedding.

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